
Hungarians and Winter

Winter is setting in, I am continually refreshing noaa.gov's results for my zipcode looking for the slightest chance of a snowstorm in the forecast. Snow is a godsend, when we actually DO get it here in baltimore. It's a chance to get off from school and play outside. An excuse to not care what you look like, or how puffy your jacket is, just because its there. I love it. Third year in a row, I'll probably go snowboarding at Roundtop with Chello.

In other news, my mom got an iphone for christmas (an early present) and it's fantastic. It is so much fun to fiddle around with. It'll be amazing for long trips where I'll have internet access anywhere we go. I do have to say, it's a bit pretentious, for example, saying "where is my iphone" or when you send an email it says "sent from my apple iphone" Also, I have a sore throat and am never feeling 100% anymore.

That is a panorama I did earlier today. All of the warmer air previously trapped in by the clouds was quickly escaping into space. The sky was a deep blue and the wind was blowing.

And as for the other word in my post title, I found in my analytics that 2.1% of my blog readers are from Hungary....Welcome! And welcome to the 3.1% of readers in the UK as well!

Good Day.

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