
Christmas Tree, Correction: Holiday Tree

Today I was in the holiday Spirit. Ornaments were taken down from the attic, television was watched, a tree was brought into the house, wreaths were hung, candles were lit, and lights were strung. There is something about hanging ornaments on a fresh tree that can not be matched. Maybe it's the fact that they are something you see for a month of the year and no longer. Every year you unwrap the ornaments like gifts. It's also the first tree I've had since Christmas of 2002.

Blue Glass

I got an early "holiday" present, an iPod 80GB Classic in silver with an iSkin EVO 4 Duo case. My only grudge is with the case, the silcone on the clickwheel makes the iPod a little bit unresponsive, and I couldn't deal with it. So I took matters into my own hands and just cut the silicone out, it's perfect, I am more than satisfied with it. Thanks Dad.

Because of the new acquirement, I legally ;) downloaded a bunch of electronica and hip-hop. Favorites include Milosh , Lali Puna, and Quantic. Lil Wayne is good too.

I also have a new Project starting the first of the month, for the entire year of 2008, I will take a picture a day. Not of anything in specific but of anything I come across. Project 365

The R1AA Cant Touch. P1R4AT3 For Life.

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