

I had a bad day today. All of the things that could have gone wrong, did.
Halfway through the City > Poly Game I had my camera battery die on me. Not
having a replacement, I didn't know what to do. I just left the field and finished the game in the stands. That could have easily been avoided. Now, I only have 13 usable images to turn in. I got home at 6:00, needing to leave by 6:40 to go to homecoming. I only had that long to charge my battery and import my images.

Of course my image transfer didnt finish, and I needed to leave so I just took my card and went with it. At the dance I was flipping through the menu before I started shooting, came over the delete all button, and selected it, not realizing that my transfer had never finished at home and that I was quickly losing images as it worked away on my card. Who knew it took the newest ones and deleted them first! I had to remove my battery only to discover that my last images of the game were deleted.


Rules for the future.

Buy Second Memory Card
Buy and Charge Extra Battery
Get Sharper Lenses
Underexpose a bit while using RAW, to get
faster shutter speeds.

Edit: Never Edit Photos when you are tired unless you have to. I just looked again
and found 21 usable images.

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